Tuesday, June 26, 2007

St. Cyril of Alexandria

Cyril was born in Alexandria in the year 370 AD. His uncle,Theophilus, was Archbishop of Alexandria.

His uncle, though he meant well, had a very bad temper and was stubborn. After Theophilus died in 470 AD, Cyril became Archbishop of Alexandria. Cyril was a very brave man and was very honest and straightforward.

Despite all of this, Cyril shared nearly the same 'personality traits' as his uncle: He was an impulsive and stubborn man.

Cyril was the representative of Pope St. Celestine I at the Council of Epheusus in the year 431 AD. This was a very large, official meeting with more than 200 bishops.

The reason for the meeting was to examine the teachings of the priest Nestorius. Nestorius was teaching wrong things, such as that Jesus is God but not man. The pope gave him ten days to stop preaching these false things but he refused, so Cyril and the other bishops had to tell the people that he was wrong.

St. Cyril and the bishops did it so well that the people didn't listen to Nestorius at all.

St Cyril died in the year 444 AD and was proclaimed a Saint and Doctor of the Church in 1882 and his feast day is June the 27th, today.


Great work! You may be sure I will be showing this to my daughters and son!
Wow, Anthony- I had not known much about St. Cyril. It encourages me that he had a negative trait, stubbornness, and it served him well. God can use all of our traits. Great job!

Mrs. K in Houston
Great report!
Didn't know all that about St. Cyril- I like how his negative traits (stubborness) ended up helping serve God, too. :)

Mrs. K in Houston
Thanks, I didn't actually know their was a St. Cyril of Alexandria until Mum said to 'combine' my blog and religion and I looked up a Saint!!!!
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