Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Religion for Today

Today, my religion reading was on the Sacrament of Baptism.

It said how a person can't get to heaven without this Sacrament, being a spiritual re-birth and shedding of the Original Sin.

There are only two other ways that a person can get to heaven without Baptism: Baptism of desire and Baptism of blood.

Baptism of desire is where the person was never able to recieve the Sacrament, but still lived a good life, or if a person was totally ignorant of the Sacrament. This allows everyone who lived a good life to still get to heaven.

Baptism of blood is where a non-Christian dies as a martyr, thus allowing the person to get to heaven. A non-Christian martyr could be someone inspired by the martyrs around them and fight with them, dying a martyr's death and going to heaven.

Baptism performed outside the Church still counts if it follows the form, matter and intent.

The form is the person who Baptises says 'In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost', the matter is water and so long as the intent is to get rid of sin.


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